Words that caught me: D is for 'Do the right thing'

Don’t be afraid.
Do the right thing.
Build a community.

This is the advice that Barack Obama, former US President,
Gave in his 2020 Commencement Speech.

This advice was to High School graduates,
But it could as well be to all of us.

Little by little, a new normal is emerging,
And we are slowly settling into new behaviours and expectations.  

We now know that COVID-19 isn’t going away, any time soon,
And we have to learn to live with it.

We now know it won’t serve us if we continue being afraid,
And that we must move forward with life, and meet the challenge head on,
Even though we don’t have all the answers.

We now know that tomorrow is for us shape and, if the world has to get better,
It’s up to us: you and me!

We now know that old ways won’t work well,
And that, to move forward, we need to learn from our past mistakes,
Take responsibility,
And do the right things to protect ourselves, our families and our neighbors.

We now know that values matter,
And that, for us have a better and richer life, going forward,
We must ground ourselves in values that last,
And learn to listen to the truth, deep inside us, even when this is hard.

We now know that caring has acquired a new meaning,
And that, to move forward, we need not only become our brothers’ and sisters’ keeper, 
But also become more aware of others’ struggles.

We now know that to move ahead, we must do so together,
And so, we have to consciously, deliberately and consistently, build and strengthen,
Community ties and relationships.

We know all this.
Question is: will we practice it?
Will YOU?

Do the right thing!

*This post was inspired by Barack Obama's 2020 Commencement Speech.



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