Words that caught me: DM is for 'Difference-Maker'


Think of Lego Blocks.

Think of the 7 Billion or so, of us, as Lego Blocks.

Imagine now, that we all lock into each other,

In some grand scheme of things.

And, like the Lego blocks we know all too well,

We all dock and fit in a specific way,

And into some specific place;

And, if one block is missing or lost,

It totally changes what we can make,

With the remaining blocks.


In a sense, each Lego block,  

Is a difference-maker!

And it is the same, for each of us.


What is your docking place?

What difference are you making?

What is your part in the grand scheme of life?

How do your intrinsic talents match

With the world’s deepest needs?


Write it down.


That should be your daily mantra.

That’s the purpose for your block.

That’s how you should dock, every day.


You’ve, in those few words,

Inscribed your tombstone!

Those few words lead directly

To your ‘eulogy virtues’.


If you can’t write it down,

Or, if you don’t know it,

Or, if you are hesitant to put words to it,

Or, if you choose to do it later,

Or, to think about it sometime –

Well….that is a form of hiding.

What are you afraid of?

The Lego Movie adds a rather interesting

And insightful perspective on this.

In it, we find that, although Emmet

Is merely an ordinary block,

His life is transformed,

Once Vitruvius’ ghost appears and reveals to him,

That believing, is what makes one ‘Special’.


And just like Emmet, our lives can be transformed,

Once we believe that we are a ‘special’ block,

With ‘special’ powers,

And, on a ‘special’ mission.



*This was inspired by Seth Godin and this widely recommended opinion piece, by David Brooks. Special thanks to the 'little one', for 'making' me watch the Lego Movie. I doubt i would have connected the dots, had i not watched it, and joined in the fascination. For those unfamiliar with the movie, you can read the plot here.

**Postscript: Today, marks the end of the week for this post, and, interestingly, is also the day when i finished reading The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews. In it, i found the following words, that superbly sum up the gist of this post. "There comes a time in every person's life when a decision is required. And that decision, should you make it, will have a far-reaching effect on generations yet unborn. There is a thin thread that weaves from only you to hundred of thousands of lives. Your example, your actions, and yes, even one decision that you make will literally change the world." 



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