Words that caught us: Value is what we release


Value is what we release.

Not what we hold.


Most of us have it backwards.

Most of our present world thinks it backwards.

Most of us act and behave backwards.


We come with nothing.

We leave with nothing.

But we still insist on spending it chasing and having.


Perhaps it’s better to leave these words

Hanging here, as they are,

For, they speak better on their own.


Look back into your life, so far.

What would you say?

Have you spent it releasing, or holding?

Think of love.

Think of kindness.

Think of knowledge and wisdom.

How about curiosity and creativity?

Mentoring and guidance?

Positive energy? Do you give it, or suck it up?

Good attitude? Do you relish building, or tearing down?

Inspiration? Do people look up, down, or sideways of you?

Do you believe there is enough for all of us,

Or, there is too little to go around?

Are you giving, or mostly, taking and hoarding?

Are you clearing up space, or mostly, filling up space?

What are you holding most tightly to?

(Incidentally, that may also be,

Your greatest source of fear and insecurity.)


You still can course-correct, if you want to!




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