Words that caught us: Simple and Easy


One of the most magical moments

We experience every week,

Comes in writing this blog post.

“Words that caught us” is exactly that!

We get ‘caught’, literally.


Our responsibility is, merely, to pay attention

To words that prick our curiosity.

The magic happens when we begin to feel

The first stirrings…that first poke…

That first soft nudge…


Sometimes, like this week, it is a coincidence…

A word or theme that keeps coming up, over and over,

And we just wonder in, and follow it…

Joining the dots...

And literally getting ‘caught’,

In the thrill and excitement of it.


The word that caught us this week was ‘simple/easy.’

It all started with these words,

Tucked inside this article.

‘Simple solutions

Are often shot down by brilliant knuckleheads

Who don’t understand

That progress is always imperfect and incremental.’


That gripped us, and caught us in the throat.

We felt like a deer

Caught in the glare of blinding headlights,

Because we've been guilty of this,

On more occasions than one.


Then followed this

‘Fools make simple things complicated.

Complexity leads to confusion.

Confusion produces anxiety.

Anxiety creates insecurity.

Insecurity leads to stagnation.’


Then this

‘Start with the easy tests.

The idea of the easy test is often ignored.

Before spending three years in law school,

Why not get a temp job for a week at a law firm?

Or spend a day reading depositions on file at the courthouse?

If we can’t figure out how to understand and support

A simple small business,

It doesn’t make sense to spend our time

Decoding a complex large one.

And if you want to make a feature film,

Figure out how to create a delightful three-minute short first.

The ocean is made of drops. Start with those, not the waves.

Complicated civil interactions

Are built on top of successful small ones.’


And, as if this was not enough to rouse us,

Providence placed in our hands

The Noticer Returns

And tucked in at page 64 are the words

‘Things are easy enough to figure

If a person gets in the habit of noticing.’

Noticing what?

The obvious, front-in-your-face, things, we suppose.


These coincidences were just one too many.

So we zeroed in, 

And wondered what lessons this had for us.

In our view, one of the reasons we get stuck,

Is because we ignore simple solutions.

Think about it.

May be all we need is a 30 minute power-nap.

Or getting to bed 30 minutes early.

Or reducing our sugar by one tea spoon.

Or taking a 10 minute walk to the grocery.

Or dialing a number we've been postponing to call.

Or gathering a few friends over for tea.

Or saying a simple, ‘I'm sorry.’

Or a 10-minute me-time to reflect on our day.


We ignore, or shoot down, simple steps

Forgetting that ‘every remarkable success

Begins simply’.


We are so in love with our grand plans and visions,

The moon-shoots,

And the BHAGs (Big-Hairy-Audacious-Goals)

That we fail to appreciate

It all starts

With one small, easy, and simple, step.


We completely ignore the fact that

Progress - any progress -

Is ‘always imperfect and incremental’.


We completely ignore and discount

The first easy tests,

The first easy step,

The first simple thing,

The first small effort,

That'll get us started.


Mostly, that's how we get stuck.

And, fortunately, that's also how we get un-stuck...

By looking for the simplest and easiest first step/solution...

Then the next simplest and easiest step…

And then the next...


What is the easiest and simplest first step, you can take today?



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