What is the first thought that goes through your head when you wake up in the morning?

Is it deliberate?

Or is it the default “Damn! I’m late!”?

What is the first thing you do in the morning? 

Do you check your phone for messages and emails? Or do you switch on the TV or Radio?

The fact is when you wake up in the morning, you always ask yourself questions, whether you are aware of it or not.

And if you start with “Damn! It’s six!”, then it is likely your day will be filled with anxiety and stress. 

If the first thing you reach for is the TV remote then you start your day with news items - bad news, that is.

News is generally about everything that’s wrong in the world and this is the first thing you become exposed to in the morning.

A better and smarter way to start your day is to ask yourself POWER QUESTIONS.

The idea behind using power questions is to enable you take some conscious control of the direction of your day by driving your mind towards positive thoughts. 

And one of the most powerful questions to ask yourself in the morning the moment you wake up is “What am I grateful for today?” 

Start every single day with an attitude of gratitude

As you start to view your life and the world around you as full of things to be grateful for, you’re going to bring more and more of that into your life.

We all have lots of things to be grateful for but we often get caught up in all the things that are wrong with our lives. 

If you ask yourself that question enough days in a row, you will wake up feeling on top of the world every single day. 

Other questions you can try are:
  • What do I have to look forward to today?
  • What’s absolutely perfect about my life now?
  • How can I make today absolutely awesome?
  • What’s the best thing that could happen today?
By asking yourself these kinds of questions, you start to shift the focus of your mind toward all of the things you want to have happen.

The key to using this power questions effectively is to make it a habit. 

This is one of the morning rituals that can really help to brighten your days.

How do you start your morning routine? Tell us about any other routine that you have found to work really well.



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