Re-Living Christmas: cherished moments and memories #4

Photo by Christopher Zackrisson on Unsplash
Christmas has always been the
Visiting season,
Of friends and relatives,
And there is nothing
I loved more
As a kid
The opportunity
To visit
And sleep
At one of my many cousins’ home
Living over the hill, down the valley
Or across the river.
Different home,
Different food,
Different environment,
And lovely cousins
Who loved me
To the moon and back!
Those were
The most
Fun filled days
And nights
Of my life.
The days would be filled
With adventure -
Looking for wild fruits,
Climbing trees,
Feeding rabbits
And a thousand other
Kids’ stuff.
The night would be filled
With jokes and laughter
Around the kitchen fire
And a thousand other Stories.
I don’t know where or how time went
In those days,
Because it never seemed enough,
And saying
Was always
A hard and tearful
*Follow us in the next two months, in this “Re-living Christmas’ series, to catch a glimpse of cherished moments and memories of our time.
**The poems will come to you every Wednesday and Saturday. Check the number (#) in case miss anything.



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