How well do you dance?

Photo by Ahmad Odeh on Unsplash

If rootlessness is a metaphor
For embracing the mindset
To dance with discomfort,
How well do you dance with it? 
And how can we get better
At waltzing with it?

Here are a few suggestions.

Writing and Journaling - 
This is a nice way of taking your brain for a walk.
It sharpens your ability to notice and pay attention
To what is stirring you.
What stirred you today?
Why do you think it ticked you off?
Turn to it. Dance with it. 
Tap away how it made you feel
And see what insights are lurking there.

Reading (and now, increasingly, 'listening')  -
The regularity with which you come about
And wrestle
With new and contrarian ideas
Is a good indication of how awake you are.
A closed mind is a mind in sleep mode!
When was the last time you read/listened to a book or podcast
That engaged or shocked you? 
Or turned your thinking inside-out?

Travel and adventure -
The cliche' is you never cross the same river twice!
Similarly, the one who goes and the one who returns
Are never the same person!
Nothing bursts open stereotypes and prejudice
Like travel.
Remember that joke about us thinking
That our mothers cook the best food?
Well...there are billions out there with mothers just like ours!
That’s a lot of ‘best’ food out there. And Homes! And Cities!
Are you experiencing it?

Nature -
Quite apart from the glimpses of heaven
That nature showers on us every day,
Nothing brings us better calm
Than being with Mother Nature.
And nothing gives us a better perspective
Of your own insignificance in this universe
Like an experience with its expansiveness, majesty and order.
When was the last time you marveled at the wonders of nature?

I think the first step towards becoming better 
At dancing with rootlessness,  
Is dropping the idea that we have perfect knowledge over anything.
This is what opens us up to curiosity and inquiry,
And helps us embrace and dance with uncertainty.
It also fosters inclusiveness and one-ness,
Because it brings home the realization
That everyone is part of the puzzle - a possibility.
Otherwise, if you think you know, then there is nothing else to know;
And we become rooted in our deluded knowy-ness!



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