Words that caught me: W is for We Are The Way We Want To Be!

This one packs quite a punch!
It puts the finger right on us.
It throws the muck right at us.
We can’t run.
We can’t evade it.
We can’t deny it.

John says
"We are the way we are,
Because that’s the way we want to be!
If we really wanted to be any different,
We would be in the process of changing..."
Right now!
Not tomorrow.
But yesterday!

This is not about status symbols.
We are talking about our inner selves,
Our ship's wake - how we make others feel when around us - 
And the dialogue we have with ourselves - our self-talk.

Think about it.
We all want to be more compassionate,
More thoughtful and caring,
More loving,
More healthy
Better parents,
Travel more,
Be more adventurous,
And much more...!

But if we don’t do anything about it,
We’ll keep wanting and hoping and wishing.

For how long?

For as long as we keep postponing
The hard work
Of changing the habits
That keep us the way we are.

It's the same for our negatives.
We have chosen to be
Mean spirited, 
Unkind, selfish...
And whatever else we are called!

For how long?

For as long as we neglect to choose  
And commit
To becoming better.

If we really want to be better at anything,
We’ll find a way;
Otherwise, we’ll find an excuse.

This is worth repeating...
We are the way we are,
Because that’s the way we want to be!

Question 1:
What's the gap between
The way you are
And the way you want to be?

Question 2:
What are you doing about it?

The gap keeps getting wider
With each day 
You neglect to answer and act!

And since we believe very strongly about
Travel and adventure,
And how this contributes to our well-being,  
We wish to emphasize this...
That we keep missing valuable life moments,
Every time we neglect our wellness! 



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