Words that caught me: A is for 'Action'

Sorry, we didn’t post on our blog last week.
There was so much unfolding around in the world
And words got caught in our throats
As we held a collective breath.*

We were broken and anxious
And we didn’t want to spread more of that
Into an already panicky and anxious world!

Yes, it’s not over yet, but we’ve got some perspective now.
We now know we are in a battle…
A battle that we didn’t choose
But a battle that we must win!

Most of us are wondering:
How shall we win this?
What will power our way to victory?

The whole world is now under lockdown, literally,
And we feel like there isn’t much we can do
Under these restrictions.

Not true!


Recently I came across some insightful words by Seth Godin
Urging us to arm ourselves…with positive, life affirming actions.

We might not be able to control external events,
And we didn’t choose what is happening to us,
But we have control over our actions,
And we can choose how to react.

Our ability to hold it all together,
To lead,
To bring insight and care to our interactions
Is critical during these challenging times...
And that the act of expending effort in positive, life affirming actions
Can help change our moods.

Positive, life affirming actions,
That demonstrate our humanity,
Hold the power to changing how we feel.

In other words, to power our way into victory,
We’ll need to dig deep into what makes us human,
We’ll need to ignore the panic, the drama and the trolls,
And focus on acts of kindness, love and compassion.
We’ll need to reach out to others and step out into our humanness.

Positive, life affirming actions,
That reinforce our universal needs for Love, Safety and Belonging
Is what will change the tide, lift our moods,
And fuel us through this difficult and trying moments.

Instead of wallowing in pain and anxiety
Of what is happening now,
We can, instead, choose to focus on loving our families,
Being kind, answering to bids of connection,
And demonstrating our humanity.
Our hearts are a deep, inexhaustible reservoir, of goodness!

One of the big actions we all can now, today, immediately,
And throughout these coming days,
Is to consciously desist from consuming and fueling negativity!

We all know that panic spreads more quickly than calm.
We all know that outrage is what sells news,
Keeping us hopelessly hooked and anxious.
We know drama and fake news is what produces clicks and retweets.
And that humanity’s best values often don’t make the news or get shared.
Still, we can choose that our humanity will remain intact and constant,
Even as the world around us descends into chaos.

Yes, the most powerful weapon each of yields right now
Is how we choose to act;
And the best thing we all can do to defeat and win this battle,
Is to practice positive, life affirming actions,
That demonstrate our humanity and lift our moods!

What life affirming actions have you done today?
What are you doing now?
How are you helping us power our way to victory?

*Psst. We may not have posted...but we have been reflecting on this...a lot. You can read some of thoughts in our "A thought in the wind..." on Facebook and Twitter.



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