Words that caught me: N is for 'Next Time'

You are on a tour bus,
And your guide announces that you are about to witness
something spectacular,
Then stops the bus and invites you to come out and
experience it.
Sometimes…depending on how the guide introduces the story,
Or depending on the weather,
Or our state of mind,
We either get out, or we don’t.
May be it’s too hot outside.
May be we’ve seen it before and we feel there’s nothing
more to learn.
May be it’s cold and wet.
May be we are tired.
May be….becomes a next time.
That’s the scene Bernadette Jiwa found herself
On a tour of San Francisco.
And here she narrates what the tour bus driver, Dwayne Johnson, said
As he invited the tourists to step out
And walk across the Golden Bridge, on a cold and misty day.
‘Maybe you think it’s cold or you’ll do it next time.
But you don’t know if you’ll be back.
And one day, when you get home,
And you’re showing the photos of your trip to friends
They will ask you if you walked across the bridge.
Your trip will be defined by that.”
Think about it.
We are on a tour bus of life each and every day,
And the tour guide, our soul and intuition,
Are constantly announcing to us
When we about to experience something spectacular,
And asking us to get out…out of our comfort zones,
And do something…or be something…
How do we respond?
Do we say it’s too cold outside…and hope there’ll be a
next time?
What is your tour guide telling you right now?
And how have you chosen to respond?
Remember: your life trip will be defined by that.