Best voted by YOU!
Just in case you missed them,
Here are the 5 most read posts in 2019
In respective order.
- Y is for Yes
- What’s the richer experience: Rootedness or Rootlessness?
- L is for Liberating
- W is for We Are The Way We Want To Be
- How well do you dance?
And because we live in a highly paced and busy world,
Where information is delivered mostly
Through faceless and unknowable algorithms,
It may not always be true
That a low open rate is equivalent to poor content.
Consequently, here are the 3 lowest read posts in 2019.
If you can, please read them and let us know what you think.
Where information is delivered mostly
Through faceless and unknowable algorithms,
It may not always be true
That a low open rate is equivalent to poor content.
Consequently, here are the 3 lowest read posts in 2019.
If you can, please read them and let us know what you think.
As always, we thank you so much for being a fan.
We appreciate YOU!