Best voted by YOU!

Just in case you missed them,
Here are the 5 most read posts in 2019
In respective order.
  1. Y is for Yes
  2. What’s the richer experience: Rootedness or Rootlessness?
  3. L is for Liberating
  4. W is for We Are The Way We Want To Be
  5. How well do you dance?
And because we live in a highly paced and busy world,
Where information is delivered mostly 
Through faceless and unknowable algorithms,
It may not always be true
That a low open rate is equivalent to poor content.

Consequently, here are the 3 lowest read posts in 2019.
If you can, please read them and let us know what you think.
  1. Are you happy? The answer is simpler than you think
  2. I is for intention
  3. How has your life 'sheared' over time?
As always, we thank you so much for being a fan.

We appreciate YOU!



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