Words that caught me: O is for One Thing

Last week,
We wrote about ‘stepping out’ in 2020.
Bernadette Jiwa has written a real gem related to that,
And in case you haven’t seen/read it, here it is:

“A novel is written one word, one sentence at a time.
A marathon completed in strides, not miles.
Every day we stand on the shoulders
of the effort we made the one before.

We don’t make progress, we choose it.

What’s the one thing you could do today
that would make a difference to your work?

What’s the one you could stop doing today
that would have an impact on your progress?

What’s the one thing you need to learn
to get you closer to your goal?

What’s the one thing you need to unlearn
to change your perspective about what’s possible?

What one thing are you are willing to do today
in service of tomorrow?”

Dan Rockwell has written about something similar. He says:
“Part of the problem is with the word ‘priorities’.
It’s a new invention.

The word “priority” entered the English language
sometime in the 14th century.
For the next 600 years, ‘priority’ was singular.
‘Priority’ meant the most important thing.
You could only have one priority.

Then, around 1940, the word ‘priorities’ appeared.
Around 1960, ‘priorities’ started a steep climb in popularity
to where it stands today”

Here’s the thing...
Deciding to step out is just the first step.
To make progress, you must also choose progress;
By prioritizing
By choosing the ONE THING,
Then the next ONE THING...

That choice must be done,
Not occasionally,
Not when it’s convenient,
Not on the basis of what’s urgent,
Not tomorrow,
But now, and every day!

Hidden in this play of words is a deep insight:
We don’t make progress,
And we are unlikely to make any progress,
Unless and until,
We learn to prioritize
And do ONE THING, at a time, every day!

We don’t make progress. We choose progress.

What is your ONE THING today?



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