Words that caught me: S is for "Self-Identity'

There is no denying
That COVID-19 has hastened
A number of social shifts,
That were already underway
In our society.

Before COVID, there was already talk
About increasing life expectancy and its consequences,
Changes in perceptions and priorities
Of legions of young people,
The advent of ‘New Work’,
Problems in education,
Rising inequality,
‘New Capitalism’ and more others.

Many experts saw these trends and predicted
An ongoing transformation in how we live
And see ourselves.

Rising incidences of
Mental health issues,
Gender Violence,
And student unrests
Were seen as symptoms of people trying to
Cope, adapt and adopt to new identities,
And new ways of life.

It seems like the COVID-19 flood has picked up these trends
And hastened their flow.

Let’s look at one obvious example: Work.

We used to have a clear dichotomy of home and office;
Private and public.
It’s true, thanks to technology,
Their convergence was already underway;
But COVID has now completely merged these two,
And it’s now acceptable to wake up in the morning,
And go into a virtual meeting in your kitchen,
Before taking a shower or dressing up (in your pajamas),
And with children playing in the background.

The prospect of unscheduled, impromptu meetings,
Or the boss calling you into his office 5 times a day, is now out.
The idea of your supervisor looking over your shoulder
To see what you are doing, is out.
The chit chat and gossip around the coffee machine is out.
Office clad, and the time and expense
That went into keeping appearances is out.

In comes self-discipline, self-management and self-initiative.
In comes management by objectives and key results –
Everybody can now see who and how each of us
Is contributing to the cause. No more hiding in silent corners.

In comes the gig economy –
One can now be engaged in multiple projects by multiple employers –
And one can take assignments from anywhere in the globe,
Without dropping a beat.

Out goes the Curriculum Vitae,
In comes your profile – you now have to show actual body of work,
And clients who have liked and been impacted by it.
Out goes the HR department to plan your up-skilling and growth,
In comes self-learning and unlearning.
Out goes the bulk of administrators, clerks
And anything else that can be automated;
In comes specialized skills and creativity.
Out goes the organization structure and positional power,
In comes inter-disciplinary, self-managed teams of equals.

We like asking kids what they would like to be when they grow up.
With so many occupations going out and others opening up,
This is no longer an intelligent question.
It’s doesn’t look feasible or prudent any more,
For us to hold a single image of our role in society.
Each of us has to learn to contribute meaningfully,
And to insert and integrate ourselves where our contribution
Is needed and valued.
This will come as a shock to many!

Think about this for a minute…
Our whole self-identity is tied to work –
You are an architect, a doctor, a researcher,
A businessman…
To say you are nobody, is to say you are crazy!
These identities are deeply ingrained, and they determine
Where we live,
What we drive,
How we dress,
How we talk,
Our level of education,
Our status in society,
Our social mobility,
Who we socialize with and where...

Even the roles we ascribe to each gender,
And the expectations we have of each other,
Are a derivative of work.

We can’t live without an identity.

That’s why adolescence is such a tumultuous
And important time, in our lives.
We are trying to sort ourselves out,
And decide who we really are, in this world.

Most of us equate work with physical production.
But work is actually emotional and social.
It gives us self-esteem and dignity,
It provides us with an avenue to showcase
Our unique talents, creativity and love,
And gives us something to share with others.
This essence of work is missing in a majority of jobs today,
And the shift won’t be pretty.

Work is only one area where the shift is happening.
As noted at the beginning, there are many others,
And with so many changes happening in multiple,
And significant areas of our lives,
We are undoubtedly going to feel like adolescents –
Emotionally and socially isolated –
And face an identity crisis, all over again.

How do you see this affecting your self-image,
And the expectations you have for yourself and others?
How do you introduce yourself to others these days?
Who do you say you are? What do you say you do?
Who are you associating with now, that is new to your circle?
What do they see in and about you,
That was unknown to your old circle?
Do you sense something different between the new and old You?
Do you see this as a temporary or continuing shift?  
Do you sense that everyone around you is going through a similar shift?
How will this shift change you, and those you live, love
And associate with?

*'Covid-stion' is a series of questions we will be posing in the next couple of weeks, inspired by our own reflection of 'lessons learnt' from COVID-19. The questions are meant to invite self-reflection. 
** Today's question is inspired by the work of Dr. Wandia Njoya, Prof. David Graeber and Prof. Lewis Gordon.   



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