Words that caught me: D is for 'Decision-Making Model'

Fear is an interesting bitch!
I recall very well what I felt
When I first heard of COVID-19,
How it was spreading quickly,
And ravaging the world.
I was shocked at how the streets
Of the major world cities emptied suddenly.
I was worried for my family.
I was anxious about our livelihoods.
Every plan i had for the year
Seemed to blow up in smoke.
I was scared of going anywhere,
Or inviting friends to our house.
I preferred to shut the door and hide.
We all did.

But look at what we are doing now?
Does it intrigue you how things
Have turned full circle?

We initially felt safe, with our doors locked.
Then we got tired of staying indoors.
And now we are falling over ourselves
To get back to our lives,
Even though we know the risk that this poses.

What happened?
What changed our minds and attitudes?
Was it all a hoax?

It turns out that fear is, often, just a story in our mind.
And this appears to be one of those instances.
Where we imagined doom, and gave flight!

But…wait a minute…
There are countries that didn’t go for a lockdown.
How did they make that choice?
How come, in the face of the same facts –
Few, and with many unknowns, as it were –
They still managed to tell themselves a different story?
How did they gain the confidence to walk left,
When everyone else was running right?
What made them risk a life and death experiment
Whose results they couldn’t be sure?
What made them stay still, and not take flight?
How did they stay the course amid all the criticism?
Back then, they appeared to be reckless rascals.
Today we celebrate them
For their wisdom and courage.
How so?

For me,
The first lesson of COVID-19 pandemic is that,
Our decision-making models
Are more important,
Than the decisions themselves.

There is currently a lot of debate and analysis –

Within ourselves, and in the public domain – 

On the gaps in our assumptions,
On existing institutional voids,
And on why and how we got here.
It’s a good time to step back and listen...
The teacher is well into the lesson…
The models are updating…
The narrative is changing…

Are we listening?

*'Covid-stion' is a series of questions we will be posing in the next couple of weeks, inspired by our own reflection of 'lessons learnt' from COVID-19. The questions are meant to invite self-reflection. 
** Today's question is about the assumptions we have about the world and how we respond when those assumptions turn out to be false/incorrect.  



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