Words that caught us: C-I is for Co-Inspiration


If you are in a leadership position,

Then you know that,

Having a single passionate person in the team,

Can change the energy of the whole team.


If you are in network marketing or sales,

Then you know that,

There is nothing as invigorating,

As the morning motivational meeting and chanting, with colleagues.


If you are an event organizer,

Then you know that,

Beyond the details, a single person – the master of ceremonies –

Can make or ruin the whole party.


If you are at a workshop,

Then you know that,

A few inspirational presenters,

Usually make the highlight of the whole workshop.


If you are in a non-profit,

Then you know that,

The key to success, is in an inspiring founder,

And an inspirational rallying cause.


If you are aiming at contributing something significant to this world,

Then you know that,

Having a mentor, who you look up to,

And inspires you,

Is what keeps you going, when things are thick.


They don’t call it the ‘Mastermind’ for nothing.

Inspiration and passion runs back and forth,

Reinforcing each feedback loop, upwards,

Into a magical power, that transforms everyone in it.


“Who you surround yourself with matters

Because it defines what's normal for you.”


For a long time,

We have been fed the myth of the lone, hungry wolf,

That goes on a hunt,

And brings home a merry feast.


If you know wolves, and how they hunt,

Then you know that, this is just a myth.


No one succeeds alone.


There’s no greater accelerator for transformation,

Than being in a group of committed and passionate people.


“Co-inspiration is super powerful.”


Who are you surrounding yourself with?

Who is defining what’s ‘normal’ for you?


*This reflection has been inspired by comments attributed to Aili Kuutan and Ville Salmensuu in reference to a course conducted by Leo Babauta 



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