Words that caught us: What would you like your kids to know? (Part 7)


Most of the guests we receive at Ritam Getaways,

Are thrilled with our spaces.

They are happy to discover us,

And easy to connect with.

They love our décor,

They relish the warmth,

The calm, and the quiet.

They appreciate the design,

And the effort we have put in,

To make our spaces unique, and distinctive.

They see the value we are offering,

And view it as a bargain,

And are more than willing to pay for it.

They are happy be here,

And we are happy to host them.

They are such a joy to serve!

They are the reason we wake up every day,

To make our kind of music.

They leave us feeling content, and fulfilled;

And they encourage and propel us,

To do, and be more.


Then, once in a blue moon,

We receive someone, who isn’t so enamoured.

We can’t seem impress them with anything,

However much we try.

They complain incessantly,

And have no positive word on almost everything.

Some won’t even acknowledge our smile.

Some are so dismissive…almost insulting.

‘Can’t swim here. Your pool is so small.’

‘Swimming pool should be at the back.’

‘You should have AC.’

‘You should’ve, at least, polished the pallets.’

‘This isn’t worth the price.’

Someone, once, complained about our windows –

That they are so big, and have no metal grills.

We couldn’t believe our ears...

Considering our love for light, air and sight.

And yes, someone even called us shitty.

That was an earthquake, that left us shell-shocked!

Some want us to be something we are not,

Sometimes, going as far as threatening

To patronize elsewhere,

If we don’t charge them like so and so.

To them, a room is just a room.

They discount the design,

The ambiance, the cleanliness,

The effort, the service… everything!

It’s all worth nothing, in their eyes.


The lesson?

We all approach life with the expectation,

That if we make our best music,

Everyone will be eager to sing along,

Dance, and cheer us on.


Well…that’s unlikely.

Just ask the musicians!


You’ll meet all kinds of people.

Some will be rooting for you,

Others will not.

Cherish and be grateful to all those,

Who see you, and believe in you.

You were created to make great music

For these, however few.

Disciples, always, make more disciples.


But please understand,

That not everyone will be at your corner,

Love, value, or, appreciate you.

Some will even want you to be someone else,

To meet their own expectations and desires.

Sometimes, it’ll shock you to learn,

That, probably, you are the only person,

Who can hear your music,

And the only one, who believes in You.


Don’t let any of this scare, or worry you much,

For, to borrow the words of the Great Commission*,

You are not called to make converts.

Your job here, is the task of disciple-making.


Always keep in mind that you are unique –

And that no one

Has the same combination of aptitudes, as you.

If you believe this,

And persist long enough,

Most will come around, somehow, someday.

And yes, not all will accept

To drink at your stable.

And that's okay, too.

Some just prefer a different type of music;

Others don’t give a hoot about music;

Others are tone deaf;

Others, simply, can’t or won’t dance –

But they are all children of God,

Fulfilling their own mission,

And we all live here, together,

In this little place, called Earth!

*Matthew 28:16-20 is commonly referred to as The Great Commission









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