Words that caught us: What would you like your kids to know? (Part 11)


How do we find life’s opportunities?


"Every opportunity

Is attached to a person.

Opportunities do not float

Like clouds in the sky.

They’re attached to people.

If you’re looking for an opportunity —

Including one that has a financial payoff —

You’re really looking for a person."



Create an ‘interesting people fund’.

Set aside time and money in advance

To keep your networks up to date.

“This is a pre-commitment strategy:

By pre-committing time and money

To meeting interesting people,

You increase the likelihood

That you actually do it.”

And, thus, increase the chance

Of finding more opportunities.


If you don’t learn anything else,

Please learn this:

There is no success

Without people.

Learn to succeed with people.

This means actively and continuously

Building trust and connection.

This is the real currency of life.


And here’s the challenge:

Both connection and trust

Require time and effort.

When it comes to relationships —

Be it romantic, friendship, or professional –

They all take time to develop.

A lot of time.

Rushing a relationship

Into a short term transaction

Will, mostly, jeopardize

Its long-term potential.

In relationships,

As well as in everything else that you do,

If you’re not taking the long view,

You’re doing it wrong.


This reflection is inspired by this interview with Ben Casnocha




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