Words that caught us: What would you like your kids to know? (Part 12)


Our post last week got us thinking:

Is it really true,

That our basic needs are only 3?

Is what we learnt in school, really true?


We are no experts in these things,

And we readily admit that our views on this

Are purely speculative,

But we can’t simply shake off,

And ignore our own experience of life;

That we can’t be, or achieve much, on our own.


Indeed, this is a truism

That has come out repeatedly

In our posts, for example…


In this post we explored the relationship

Between loneliness,

And the lack of human connection.

In this post we saw that life becomes meaningful,

Only when we use our talents and skills,

In the service of humanity.

In this post we saw that one of the best ways

For us to get inspired, grow our enthusiasm,

And remain positive and optimistic,

Is by reaching out, and connecting with others.

In this post we saw that our survival

As a human race,

Has more to do with our being social,

Than with anything else,

And that our vaunted intelligence and adaptability,

Has a significant social aspect to it.

We may love the Hero’s Journey…the monomyth…

But the whole idea of a lone genius, is a myth.


Put simply…

No one can live and thrive alone.

And no one succeeds alone.


What is a house, without the social part?

Can we really call that a Home?

Can we really sustain ourselves,

In the long term,

In food and clothing,

Without the social aspect?

Have you noticed the effect

That lack of familial love and care,

Has on children?

Have you noticed the effect

That divorce has,

On previously successful couples?

Did you experience the craving

For social connection during the lockdown?


If this anecdotal evidence is anything to go by –

And, we believe, it is significant enough,

To tilt the scales –

Then we might be right in our speculation,

That relationships are, indeed, part of our basic needs.


There is definitely something important here

For us to unlearn,

For, as Mother Teresa reminded us decades ago,

There is more hunger

For love and appreciation in this world,

Than there is hunger for bread.

We all know this to be true,

And continuing to live life as if this wasn’t true,

Is sheer madness.

Actually, most of the ‘madness’ we see around us today

Is just people craving for love and Ubuntu.

I am because we are!

A person becomes a person through other people.

We live and experience our humanity through people.

That’s the way He designed it,

And it’ll not work, unless and until we use it,

For, and in the manner, in which it was designed!

Does this make sense to you?



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