Words that caught us: What, in our lives, has exceeded its usefulness?


"Nearly everything in life

is unfavorable

once it grows to a certain size.

It is entirely possible

to have too many clients,

too much work,

too much fame,

too much free time,

and so on.

Pay attention to when

the thing you're chasing

exceeds its usefulness."


We couldn't help straightening up

And wondering...

What are we chasing?

Why are we chasing it?

Are we chasing it

Because it matters to us,

Or, because society tells us so?

What, if any, are the signs,

That something we are chasing

Has exceeded its usefulness?

What, in our life, has exceeded,

Or, is about to exceed

It's usefulness?

How would we know?

How would we go about

Finding that out?


What questions and curiosities,

Does the above statement

Elicit in you?

Are you willing and courageous enough,

To explore and tease out their answers?


Reflection inspired by James Clear (see idea II)



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