Words that caught us: Where and how has culture chained us, to the harmful and the unnatural?


Saw this tweet a few days ago:

“Modern people are so miserable


everything our culture considers normal

is, in fact, extremely harmful

and contrary to our deepest nature.”


Then an inspired soul tweeted back:

“Let's challenge people

to name 3 unsavory "normals" in our culture

that offend the nature of humans

that don't indulge in unfruitful or harmful conformity.

In other words, not robots.

I'll go first:

1) The Media

2) Foods that kill you slowly

3) Constant noise”


That challenge got our attention.

We immediately sensed


There was a bigger message

In this challenge.

It’s more about chains –

How we chain and tether ourselves,


To tradition and convention,

And how this limits and impedes us,

In a world that’s in constant flux.


We felt so challenged 

That we retweeted the challenge and added:

“4. Constant Busyness/hustling

5. Getting stuck in traffic jams every day”

Most of us have accepted these two

As ‘normal’ obligations of life,

Yet, they are just recent developments

In our social history.


Can you see the effect

This acceptance and normalization

Has on us and future generations?


Constant busyness, for example,

Has precluded us from leisure and rest,

From hobbies and curiosities,

From having meaningful conversations 

And connection,

To stress and strife.

It’s sad that this is the life

We are socializing our children to live.

The harm it does is incalculable!


We looked at the thread again this morning

And these two ‘normals’ caught our eye:

“Choosing inside boxed walls over

outside in nature (Excessive time indoors)”

“Non-satiable consumerism”

We can only change what we choose to notice.

And it all begins with US - 

YOU and Me.


What else can you add?

What, in our culture,

Have we accepted to be ‘normal’,

Yet it is harmful and unnatural?

Where have you tethered yourself the most?

What would untethering yourself look like?




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