Words that caught us: Most 'new' problems are actually 'old' problems
"Most of the challenges we face
Are things we’ve faced before."
We have faced recessions before.
Drought and famines
Have visited us before.
We have been through
Bad leadership before.
Pandemics have come and gone.
Most of our health problems
Emanate from areas or things,
We, and others, have ignored/neglected before.
Most of our interpersonal conflicts
Are actually cycles of the same issue(s).
And, yes, we have had elections before,
And voted the same way, again and again.
There's almost nothing new
Under the sun.
Here's the thing:
New problems are very rare,
And far in between.
What we have in plenty,
Are old problems
For which
We have applied the same,
But unsuccessful solutions.
Our biggest undoing
Is in ignoring history,
And repeating
What doesn't work;
For fear of the hard work,
And courage,
To get over our attachment
With the status quo,
And explore the edges,
For what really works.
That's our REAL problem!
Check it out for yourself.
Look for any persistent problem
Out there,
Both in life and at work,
And you'll see
Willful blindness,
Impulsive repetition
At work!
Where might you be willfully blind?
Where might you be impulsively repeating
What doesn’t work?
What ‘old problem’ are you struggling with
Under the guise of a ‘new challenge’?
What will you do to overcome your attachment
Over old solutions that don't work?
*Today’s reflection is inspired by this insight by Seth
Godin on New problems, old problems.