Words that caught us: To achieve more, we need to find ways to resonate more deeply.


Here's something we all know,

And have experienced,

In very personal ways:

Whenever we've felt

‘Heard’ and ‘seen’,

We've always


And committed.



Think of your favorite teacher.

Think of your best friend,

Or colleague at work.

Think of your favorite restaurant, bar,

Getaway place, or supermarket.

Think of your favourite dress or suit.

Think of your favourite book or music.

Think of the most common thing missing

In unions that end up in divorce.


What’s common in all these?

The answer?




In other words…

We connect and commit

To what resonates with us.


Something that appeals to us,

Or affects us,

In a personal, or emotional way.


It’s a form of energy transfer, 

A vibration, or radiance,

That makes us feel connected,

Amplified…in harmony…and in sync.


In other words…

For us to resonate, or connect, with others,

We have to transfer to them,

Some energy that affects,

And amplifies them,

In a personal, or emotional way.


We all know this…

Because we experience it

On a daily basis…from the mundane,

Like what we wear, eat, or drink,

To the significant,

Like who we marry, or our choice of career.




Despite all this knowledge...

And experience...


We still struggle, and often fail,

To resonate, or make others feel

‘Heard’ and ‘seen’.


That is…

Whereas we choose and act

Based on resonance,

We rarely remember

That others, too, choose us

Or follow us,

Based on how we resonate with them.


In other words…

We rarely employ sufficient 

Empathy and deliberateness,

In finding new ways in which others,

May resonate better, and more deeply,

With us.


One thing is for sure:

If we want to effect some change,

Spark some action,

Start a movement,

Make an impact,

Or contribute meaningfully,

We have to, consistently, find ways,

To resonate deeper,

With those we want to serve,

Affect, or impact;

Because it’s in how much they care,

And feel connected to us,

That determines

The action they take.


We’ll not move a needle,

Until we learn

To resonate, more and better;

Until we learn

To make others feel ‘seen’ and ‘heard’;

Until we learn

To our amplify influence through connection.


What will you do,

To resonate deeper,

And make others feel

‘Heard’ and ‘seen’,

And ‘in sync’ with you?


*Reflection inspired by Episode E164 and E68 of the Unthinkable Podcast by Jay Acunzo



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