Words that caught me: I is for Important

We all know the basic truth:
We succeed on what we focus on!

But if my life experience is anything to go by, 
Then I suspect we all struggle with getting focused,
And getting our priorities right.

Ask anyone you know pretty well,
What their most important thing, right now, is
And you’ll see them hesitate for a second or two.

We know what is important.
But the most important? 

That is asking us to choose. And so we hesitate to think.
One would have expected this to be right at our fingertips.
But that is rarely the case.

That's the first problem:
Everything on our to-do list is important.
We are just boiling the ocean!

Let's assume you friend manages to point at one thing
They consider the most important...
Now observe what they are doing?
Are they working on that thing, right now?
That's rarely the case.

And that's the second problem:
Knowing something does not always translate into practice.
Our most important thing is not always our highest priority. 

Let’s use physical exercise as an example.
When I tear a muscle, or gain weight,
Or experience some localized pain,
I focus on getting that part back to health;
Meaning, I change my exercise regimen to fit that part,
And what I want to achieve.

What would happen if I were to continue with my usual exercise regime?
Either, that part won’t heal properly, or the healing will be slow.

That’s why, any time you sign up for the gym,
Your trainer will always ask you: what is your goal for signing up?
Is it fitness, toning, losing weight, or getting ready for a marathon?
Your goal will determine your training regime.
Your focus will determine what you get.
You succeed on what you prioritize,
Otherwise, you are just boiling the ocean.

It’s the same with travel,
Is your goal to relax? Meaning going somewhere calm and quiet.
Or is it adventure? Meaning something new and exotic.
Or is it business? Meaning checking out business associates and ideas.
Can you do all three at a go? May be. Tough luck though.
My bet is, you’ll more likely end up just boiling the ocean!
When cast like this, it’s difficult to achieve great results in any of them.
I did it once. Not any more.

It all comes down to a choice: 
Focus and prioritize on a few things you deem important,
Or engage in the futile exercise of boiling the ocean.

Mostly, we are just boiling the ocean!
Sad, but true.



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