Words that caught us: C-Y-B is for 'Count Your Blessings' (Part II)


Just in case you missed it,

Here is Part I.


Day 13

We are grateful for food, water,

And a place to call home.

When the lockdown measures were announced,

Most of us retreated to the safe sanctuaries we call Home.

With most of the restaurants and entertainment places closed,

The family table and family meals became the assembly point

For life, love and laughter.

Home, family and wholesome food had, finally,

Regained their value and importance.

The battle they had waged against busyness and greed,

Was finally won!

We hope and pray that this will hold,

Not just for a few privileged ones –

Because that’s what we really are –

But for every breathing human being.

Spare a thought for the hungry, the thirsty,

And the homeless.


Day 14

We are grateful to all the health workers,

For staying true to their Hippocratic Oath,

Even when we have failed and neglected

To honour our obligations to them.

This time demands that we think broadly

And act boldly.

It’s time to look back and uphold

The common values that bind and bring us together,

As a society.

When someone takes advantage of another’s good will,

We say they are selfish, unfeeling and uncaring.

When someone feeds on another’s sweat,

And forces them to work in unsafe conditions,

Without fair compensation,

We call it slavery.

Given what you know about this situation,

Would any of us agree to take on the risk,

And the responsibilities the health worker are taking?

We bet not.

The fact that we continue to receive

Even a modicum of medical services,

Under these conditions, is, in itself, a miracle!


Day 15

We are grateful to all the mama-mbogas,

Grocers, supermarket attendants,

And delivery truck drivers.

You may not know us,

But we see you,

And we recognize the value of your work!

Tucked away, behind the walls of our homes,

We may be tempted to think we have it all under control,

Until we start running out of food and other basics.

The truth of the matter is, we live in a system

That works on cooperation and interdependence.

The divisions and inequalities we seem so intent at imposing on it,

Only ends up weakening, and making it ineffective.


Day 16

We are grateful to all the players

Who made history,

By developing and bringing to market,

COVID-19 Vaccine, in record time.

Most of us are unaware of the risks,

Costs and complexities involved

In vaccine development.

A global pandemic such as this,

Requires a broad based, consensus driven, global response.

Bringing all the players together was magic.

Securing agreement on common objectives was magic.

Bringing together Biotech and Artificial Intelligence

To speed up development, was magic.

Securing financial guarantees for the construction of factories,

Before trials and regulatory approvals, was magic.

Securing agreements for proportional distribution,

And strengthening of medical systems of poorer nations,

Was magic.

No vaccine has ever been developed,

Tested, approved and produced in mass

At such a short time. History has been made.

Thanks to all those who worked tirelessly,

To hang a rainbow in our skies,

And, in the process, also made history!


Day 17

We are grateful for the fresh air,

The sunshine, beautiful sunsets,

And all things natural and free!

Despite all the things in our lives,

That fell through and apart,

Nature continued giving freely and generously,

As it always has.

The sun still came up in the morning

And set in the evening.

The birds still sang, the butterflies still danced,

The wind still blew and the raindrops still fell.

Unfortunately, like all things free –

Think love, little acts of kindness, honesty, friendship –

We tend towards ignoring them, rather than celebrate them.

Luckily for us, nature doesn’t know how to hate,

Or take unrequited love, unkindly.

For that, we are most thankful!


Day 18

We are thankful for the many beautiful surprises,

And random acts of kindness,

That came our way this year.

Think about it…

Some of the most beautiful things in our lives –

Like meeting an acquaintance,

Who ends up becoming a dear friend, business or life partner –

Happen serendipitously, without warning or planning.

It’s like manna from heaven.

You just have to stand outside, be open to it,

And let it fall on you, as heaven sees it fit!

During this lockdown period,

Perhaps because of our reduced pace and busyness,

We noticed more moments of serendipity than usual.

We discovered new and amazing places

We never knew existed in our community,

Simply by walking and wandering around.

We met some of the kindest and loveliest people we know,

Simply by taking a trail, turning left there, and right here,

And smiling at someone through the fence.

If our paths crossed this year, this is for you!

It was a pleasure meeting you!


Day 19

We are grateful for the opportunity COVID has given us

To discover new forms of intimacy and connection,

And new ways of developing

Shared and deeper understanding, in each other.

This was notably brought to our attention

By DushkaZapata, who, when asked about 

The most unexpected outcome for her, 

In this pandemic, wrote:

“I've been working at my current job for 9 months.

My first day was the same day San Francisco

issued the first shelter in place order.

I've never met my coworkers in person

but I've seen the inside of their homes.

I've seen the photos that sit on their desks …

I've met their significant others and their kids.

I've seen their paintings

and how they are arranged on the walls,

their wallpaper, their laundry,

the curtains in their bedrooms,

their beds, their sheets, the bottles of wine

carefully stored on shelves in their study.

I’ve seen their hair overdue for a haircut …

I could never have predicted this new form of intimacy

[and] the surprising sweetness it reveals…”

We bet we’ve all had these ‘Aha’ zoom moments,

When we realize that we feel something more

About another person

Because of something they’ve revealed to us.

For us, it was an evening zoom family meeting

We held in bed, with the young one jumping

And hollering all over!

We bet no family member had ever seen our bed,

Leave alone, us in bed, until that moment.

It was revelation and a deep moment of vulnerability,

Which we didn’t realize, until much later,

When a family member asked about it, in our next meeting.

Think about that!

Until next week...let's keep on counting our blessings! 



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