How will you honour yourself today?


We honour dates with others.

We honour deadlines set for us by others.

We are always on time for the signing of a big contract.  

The tax returns are always filed on time.


We easily commit and honour our commitments to others.


But there is one person we routinely and repeatedly dishonour.

Do you know who that person is?



We rarely commit to what we said we'll do for ourselves.


That vacation we thought we might go this year can wait,

Because it conflicts with so and so’s wedding,

Or because this or that has come up.


And our morning jog? That, too, can wait.

We aren't feeling like it this morning.


What of that intermittent pain we have been experiencing...

The one we planned to have checked out last year?

Well...we'll surely schedule a doctor's visit next week.

Why not today?

'Well, I have so much to do today. And the pain ain't so bad.

I'll do it next week.' ....then another month passes.


And that shoe we planned to buy at end of the month?

Now that's a little selfish of me, isn’t it? I'll buy toto the dress she wanted first.

The shoe can wait for next month.


Why do we put off ourselves so easily and so repeatedly?

How can we get more committed to ourselves, especially for our own self care?


Realize this...

The main culprit for our constant tiredness isn't work.

The main culprit for our increasing weight isn't food.

The main culprit for our stressful lives 

Ain’t the circumstances we’ve found ourselves in.

The main culprit for our isolation and loneliness 

Isn't unloving and uncaring people.

The main culprit is US, and our continued refusal to honour ourselves.


Our healing starts with US honouring our commitments to ourselves.


How will you honour yourself today?

*Reflection inspired by this article by Leo Babauta

**Photo Credit: William Farlow



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