Words that caught me: T is for Thoughtfulness

The shepherds came laden with gifts.
And thus a gifting tradition was born.

May be this is coming too late.
May be you’ve already wrapped your Christmas gifts…
But if you haven’t,
Please spare a thought for this one idea:
‘A gift is not an exchange of monetary value!’

The danger that has permeated our gifting culture
Is to value a gift from the perspective of size,
Or how shiny, exotic or expensive it is;
And forget the thoughtfulness and loving care that the gift represents.
We can blame this on our material and commercialized culture,
But the truth is...
We are the problem!

Think of the last gift you made…
What was your overriding concern?
Was it convenience or size?
Was it its monetary and status value?
Or was it something you sought out and thought deeply about?

Seth was, in this quote, referring to the work we gift the world
When we use our talents and skills with passion and generosity,
But the reasoning is the same.

If what we really want in a gift
Is something that creates a connection, a memory -
Something of lasting value -
Then we’d be more thoughtful,
More deliberate,
And move beyond what is convenient, shiny or expensive.

We’d curate and gift with intention.
A thoughtful gift is priceless – both to the giver and to the recipient!

How would you rate your Christmas Gift
On the thoughtfulness scale?

Psst: We wish you the most exciting Christmas ever. Celebrate life. Create Memories.



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