Words that caught me: W is for 'Who Are You Becoming At Home?'

Let’s ponder over this a little, 
Because it’s a question we can’t possibly ignore.

Who are you becoming at Home?

I doubt there is anyone reading this
Who doesn’t know what work is,
What work they like to do,
Where they go to work,
What they do there,
What they want from work,
And how they are rated there by their employer and colleagues.

We spend most of our school days
Learning the skills and attitudes we need
To be good in our work.
And we attend many on-the-job-training and courses
To make us better and more productive.

I also suspect we all want to be excellent in our work...
And we are constantly being measured and evaluated
By others and ourselves,
On how good we are in our work - always aiming for the next rung.

We dress well and smartly going to work,
And I bet we try to smile and get along with colleagues at work,
As much as we possibly can, sometimes to the extent of kissing ass (pardon me).

And yes...we spend the majority of our waking lives there too!
Lots and lots of hours.
More than 60% of our lives!

Don’t get me wrong.
I have no beef to pick with work.

But I sense there’s lots of us
Who want more from Home
But struggle in calling home, Home.

Let’s ponder this:
What does Home mean to you?
We know what work is and what work means to us.
But what is your definition of Home?

Why do you need a Home?
We know work gives us prestige and we need to work to earn a living.
But what do you want from Home?
Consider being jobless and being Homeless. How do they compare?

How do you make a Home?
We have studied hard
And continue to prepare ourselves incessantly for work.
How invested are you
In the job of building and maintaining a Home?
What skills and attitudes do you need to build a Home?
How skilled and excellent are you?

Where is your Home? Who is in it?
How do they see it? How do they see you?
What do they feel while in it?

Who are you becoming at Home?
What rung are you aiming for, at Home?
Are you as important at Home, as you are at work?

At work, we are required to be like-able employees,
And to demonstrate our worth
Before we can start earning what we feel we deserve - 
Trust, influence, responsibility, money...
Why use different principles at Home?

I'm no Darwin or Einstein
But i think i can propose a law - Let's call it the 'Law of Becoming' - 
Who you are becoming at work, as at Home,
Is what you get!



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