Words that caught me: E is for 'Elevate, Enrich and Enliven'


Here is a truism that none of us can evade

Or deny.


Can you really deny

That you have the power to enrich

Someone's life today?


Can we really evade

That we each have a responsibility,

To elevate, enrich and enliven each other’s lives?


Can we really refute

That we all have been blessed,

With the creative power and ability,

To bring joy and love to the world around us?


Can we really run away

From the love and care we feel in our hearts,

Or, from the responsibility of sharing and spreading it?


If we all have the ability

To enrich, to add value and to make better,

The little corners we inhabit,

And the lives of the people around us,

Then why don’t we do so more often?

Why are so many of us feeling lonely and desolate?

Why are so many feeling alone and excluded?

Why do so many of us go about our lives

Live like we don’t care, or feel love?

And here’s another truism none of us can evade,

Or deny...

The only thing keeping us from taking responsibility,

And using our power and ability

To enrich, care for each other and share our love,

Is the little word called ‘choice’.


We only need to make the choice!

It’s that simple.


So, what's your choice?

Where will you take all that reservoir of love and care today?

How will you use that power and ability today?

How many lives will you enrich and enliven today?

How will your life add value to the world, today?

What can you make better today?







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