Words that caught us: 'Go home and love your family'


We all know that our world

Isn’t as good as it should be.

We all have a beef to pick with it,

Here and there.

And if we are not careful, self-aware,

Deliberate and intentional,

We could be part of the problem,

And are perhaps, unwittingly, making it worse.


This – going home and loving our family –

May still be the quickest,



And most effective way to effect change;

In us,

In our loved ones,

In our schools,

In our neighborhoods,

And in generations to come.


May you find the courage

To dig deep inside of you,

And mine all the love

That providence has invested in you,

And have a full and kind heart,

To share it generously with the world.


May you not be one of those,

Who, only wait to receive, collect,

Accumulate and store.

Instead, may you be one

Of the blessed ones,

Whose love-well keeps giving,

And never dries up!


Start mining it today.


Happy valentine!



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