Words that caught us: sweet is the change we invite in


There is a lot happening

In the hospitality industry, these days.

The pandemic has upended

Much of what we knew.

It's a new territory

With new operational requirements

(e.g. closing hours and physical distancing setups);

New guest expectations

(e.g. concerns over health and safety);

New tech and service innovations

(e.g. contactless services);

New business models

(e.g. ghost kitchens);

Growing popularity of new and nimble entrants

(e.g. holiday homes and staycations).


It's a very fluid time to be in business.

Challenging and exciting, at the same time.

There are many balls floating in the air

And there is no knowing

Which ball will land safely,

Which will burst,

And which will float lazily away.


To our mind

All this brings into focus

Three kinds of change:


There is the change

That happens naturally

Without our agency.

It comes and goes

As the gods wish.

The rainy season, for example.

We got to accept it,

Even if we don’t enjoy getting soaked,

Or wading in the mud.


And then there’s the change

That’s forced on us.

The one we are dragged through,

Kicking and cursing!

It’s like pulling teeth!


And finally, there is the change

We seek and invite in,

With love and yearning.

We jump into it with relish,

Embracing it lovingly

And squeezing out all its juice.

Like learning a new hobby.

It doesn’t even feel like change.

It’s how we evolve and make progress.

It’s more of synthesis...

An alchemy of growth and becoming!


We can’t escape any of these...

Change is constant and continuous.

But we can create more heaven,

For ourselves and others,

If we can woo and court more

Of the latter type.

That's our sweet spot!

That's where we'll find most progress.

And so, the BIG question is:

What practices have we developed,

Or can we develop,

To help us get into this sweet spot, more often?

What change have you invited in lately?

If you can't recall anything significant, 

You've got work to do!



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