Words that caught us: Less is more

‘When humans solve problems,

We overlook an incredibly powerful option:

We don’t subtract.

We pile on “to-dos”

But don’t consider “stop-doings”.’*


“Take some more tea," the March Hare said to Alice,

Very earnestly.

"I've had nothing yet," Alice replied

 In an offended tone, "so I can't take more."

"You mean you can't take less," said the Hatter:

"it's very easy to take more than nothing."

"Nobody asked your opinion," said Alice.”**


Indeed! We are all like Alice, most of the time.

We mostly lean towards addition and more.

We want more, never less.

We plan for more, never less.

It’s the easier route, and our minds are hard wired for ease.

And this tendency towards more

Tightens our attachments and entanglements.

We almost never consider subtraction as an option.

Our fear of losing/missing out is, sometimes, too strong,

That it holds us back from releasing what we don’t need

And what, no-longer, serves our good.

We view subtraction as a loss,

Yet, less is, very often, more.


Have you noticed the anger and defensiveness,

That accompanies a suggestion

That we subtract something from our life?

You need to do something about your health.

You need to get your finances in order.

You need to find time for your family.

You need to take some rest.

Why the anger?

What’s the source of our defensiveness?

Instead of seeing it for what it is, we are more like Alice:

‘Who asked for your opinion’?


Let’s test this idea here and now.

Look at your 2022 goals.

What’s the ratio of additives to reductions?


It’s counterintuitive, but it’s very possible,

That we would achieve more, and go farther,

If we willed ourselves to become more open to 

Stopping, reducing and subtracting.


If you need more convincing

On how powerful this option is,

Grab yourself a copy of

Subtract:The untapped science of less.

It is full of examples where our tendency towards more

Ends with less than optimal results.


One example that caught our eye,

Is our tendency to pack our holidays and leisure-time

With many activities and minutiae, such that,

We rarely achieve the relaxation

And rejuvenation we were looking for.

Most of us are yet to come to terms

With the fact that, 

Vacations are no longer a cure for burnout.

We need to dig deeper, and be more deliberate,

In our subtraction!


And in today’s fast-paced world,

With its distracting and addictive tech,

It will take us much more effort and discipline,

To achieve what we need and deserve.   


So, here’s a powerful question for you:

What do you need less of, this year?

Can you honestly answer this, with full clarity?

And are you willing to put resolve and action

Behind this insight?


 *Leidy Klotz, Subtract: The untapped science of less

**Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland 



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