Re-Living Christmas: Cherished Moments and Memories #2

Photo by Anton Darius on Unsplash
In my younger days,
Christmas was always preceded
By a rite, so dramatic,
That it’ll forever be imprinted in memory.
It’s feels okay to talk about it now that I’m a grown up,
And because this tradition has dwindled off somewhat,
But when I was little,
Late November and early December
Were fear filled days
For us boys,
And we spoke about it
Only in low whispers.
You see,
This is the circumcision season
In my community,
And there were all manner of stories,
Secrets and mythologies
Surrounding the rite,
That it was difficult to tell
Truth from fiction.
And then were many gory stories
Of young boys
Driven by endless curiosity, as boys sometimes are,
Had attempted to snoop and observe the rite,
Only for them to be seized
And forced to undergo the cut, there and then!
So, we never dared to snoop, observe
Or show our faces.
But we all knew who was going for the cut
Because they would first take sugar
To all their uncles to announce
That they were ready to be Men.
And one wee morning
Our sleep would be interrupted
By thunderous song and dance
As the boy-to-be-man was seized
For a dip in the freezing-cold-waters
Of the nearby river
In readiness for the cut.
And behold, by the first streak of the morning sun
The boy would be Man!
*Follow us in the next two months, in this “Re-living Christmas’ series, to catch a glimpse of cherished moments and memories of our time.
**The poems will come to you every Wednesday and Saturday. Check the number (#) in case miss anything.



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