Re-Living Christmas: Cherished moments and memories #11

Talking of Christmas Carols…
Photo by Caroline Hernandez on Unsplash
We had an interesting version
Of our own
Back in the village.
Actually, I’m not sure
If to call them Christmas carols,
Or a version of Halloween ‘trick-or-treat’*,
Or both.
Village children, usually ages 5 to 11
Would band together
In groups of 10 to 15,
And move from homestead to homestead
In the evenings, between 7 and 9 O’clock,
Singing parodied vernacular carols
In which they would subtly ask for Christmas gifts.
Back then, most homesteads
Didn’t have gates,
So the children would come in quietly…
Walk up to the main door
Then start clapping and singing.
That always caught families by surprise —
Coz’ village evenings were usually quiet meal times of listening to the radio
And intermittent family conversations.
So, a sudden clapping of little hands
Was always a surprising break of the evening quiet.
The children would sing
And keep singing…
Until they received a gift —
Usually in the form of coins
And occasionally, of delicacies like chapatis and madazi.
They would then say thank-you and leave.
On one night there would be about 2–3 such groups,
And given the cloak of darkness,
It was difficult to tell
If they were different
Or the same group.
But it never mattered much
Coz’ Christmas was a season
* ‘Trick or Treat’ is a children’s custom of calling at houses at Halloween with the threat of pranks if they are not given a small gift.
** Follow us in this “Re-living Christmas’ series, to catch a glimpse of cherished moments and memories of our time.
***The poems will come to you every Wednesday and Saturday. Check the number (#) in case miss anything.



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