Words that caught us: W is for Wayfinding (Part 7)


Imagine that a raging battle

Has left you with only one means of escape –

Crossing a thick and unfamiliar forest.

How do you do it?


Here’s a recap.


Wayfinding is the art of assessing the situation,

Analyzing the facts, and developing options,

For moving from Point A to B,

Usually, through many unknown,

And unknowable Points.


The first step, is to rise over our initial fear,

Of the uncertainties ahead of us.

Fear, as we saw in Part 1, is a narrative –

A story we tell ourselves –

And the way to conquer it, 

Is by changing what we say, 

When we talk to ourselves.


But that is not all.

How we think and feel in the moment,

Is highly dependent on our self-awareness –

That is, on the knowledge we have of our Jar;

What is inside it,

And the influences other Jars have on it.

The second step, as we saw in Part 2,  

Is therefore, to relook at our Jar,

And ensure that we have in it,

The right Rocks, Pebbles and Sand.


This exercise is, however, not as simple as it sounds.

In the mouth of our Jar, stands guard,

Two mighty foes preventing us

From getting anything out, or in, the Jar.

As we saw in Part 3, we can’t begin our Wayfinding,

Until we overcome the drag of sunk costs,

And established habits.


Once our narrative, and our Jar,

Are ready and in good order,

We can now set out on our journey.

But in which direction shall we head?

And how shall we make the numerous choices,

That we’ll inevitably have to make in our journey?

We need some guiding stars.

Part 4 proposes that we use our values

To set direction and guide our choices.

Ultimately, it’s our values that will determine,

Where we end up.


Now we are off to the races!

We need the wind on our wings,

And all the support we can muster,

To make good and quick progress, in our journey.

How do we harness these?

The answer, as we saw in Part 5,

Lies in consistently, hunting the good stuff.

The journey will be much easier and faster,

If we join and associate with others, on the same route.


Finally, as we all know,

No journey is without challenges and setbacks.

Some of our plans will not pan out.

And, despite all our efforts

At achieving a perfect score,

We’ll certainly make a few wrong turns.

How will we survive these moments of struggle

And defeat?

We need to be ready and strong,

And, as we saw in Part 6, this is best done

By continuously building personal resilience.


That’s it.

That’s about all we need, to cross the forest.

5 key elements in Wayfinding:

  1. Shift the narrative
  2. Tend to our Jar
  3. Choose our direction
  4. Hunt the good stuff
  5. Build our armour

 Are you ready?


*This marks the end of this 7-Part Wayfinding series. Thanks a heap for joining us in this reflection. Writing it was a discovery journey for us too. We hope and trust you got something useful to encourage you in your own Wayfinding.



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