Words that caught us: HOME is where we are allowed to be imperfect!


We all know that none of us is perfect,

And that perfection does not exist,

In life, or in nature.


But, yet, we live in a world

That expects and demands


And we make it worse

By holding a torch on everyone else

But ourselves.

We want perfect mates,

Perfect siblings,

Perfect parents,

And perfect workplaces,

But expect others to condone

And understand our flaws and foibles.


How do we bridge the gap?


Who will love us despite our imperfections?

Who will accept us as we are,

While at the same time,

Lovingly nudging us,

To be the best we can be?


Which place can we go,

And feel a sense of belonging,

Without the constant demands,

To fit a certain model, or image?


It can’t possibly be anywhere else,



“HOME is the place we love best

and grumble the most.”*1

You know why?

Because, HOME is where we are allowed

To be imperfect.


“HOME is the place where,

when you have to go there,

they have to take you in.”*2


There is nothing more important

than a good, safe, secure HOME.”*3


“The ache for HOME lives in all of us,

the safe place where we can go as we are

and not be questioned.”*4

A big part of making a HOME is love,

Tolerance, acceptance and belongingness. 

"My favorite definition is "a safe place,"

A place where one is free from attack,

A place where one experiences 

Secure relationships and affirmation.

It's a place where people share and understand each other.

Its relationships that are nurturing.

The people in it do not need to be perfect;

Instead, they need to be honest, loving and supportive,

Recognizing a common humanity that makes all of us vulnerable.”*5

In the end, HOME is not a place, 

But a feeling within a community.

"Home is people....

If you go back there after the people are gone,

Then all you can see is what is not there any more."6

In short, HOME is us.

HOME is what you and I choose to make it.

And, to borrow a leadership wisdom,

The best way to make and find a good HOME,

Is to strive to BE the best HOME we never had,

To someone else.


We hope and pray that you’ll find a HOME

This Christmas,

And, beyond that,

That you will be attentive and caring enough,

To make others feel at HOME, in your presence.


*Quotes by:

  1. Billy Sunday
  2. Robert Frost
  3. Rosalynn Carter
  4. Maya Angelou
  5. Gladys Hunt
  6. Robin Hobb



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