Words that caught us: It's all within us!


What are you looking for,

Or forward to, this Christmas?


Here is a something to think about

As we head towards Christmas Day, this week.


“What we really want can’t be found outside of us:

  • A sense of connection & belonging,
  • A sense of fun, play, adventure, joy, excitement,
  • A sense of being good enough, lovable, desirable,
  • Feeling fit, strong, beautiful, sexy,
  • Feeling safe, secure, stable,
  • A feeling of peace and freedom.

Where does [all this] come from?

We create it, from within.

And our ability to create it is boundless and flowing,

if we learn to tap into it.


Try it now (don’t worry if you’re not perfect):


Can you feel a sense of joy and gratitude

for being alive right now?


Can you feel a sense of being connected to other beings

who are going through something similar

to what you’re going through in life right now?


Can you feel a sense of wholeness with the world around you,

a sense of belonging in this moment?


Can you feel the freedom of being a part of the infinite,

and the peace that comes from that sense of spacious freedom?


Can you feel love for yourself,

and a sense of delight in who you are,

a sense of deliciousness in your being?


If you can’t find these things inside of you,

keep exploring.

There’s a sense of adventure and play

that can come from being curious about these experiences.


What can you find within you, right now?”*


Whatever we are looking forward to,

Or hoping for, is already within us. 

We are a wellspring of all we want in life. 

Bucket-loads of it! 

We merely need to drop in, and fetch it. 

So the big Q is not what you’ll get or find,

But rather, what’s within you,

That you can bring to, and share, this Christmas?

All the joy of Christmas that we hope and wish for,

Is already inside of us.

Let's not look out, but look in. 

Let's not wait out, but bring out. 

Let's not settle for passive receiving, but active sharing. 

Let's drop our expectations of others, 

and elevate our contribution to ourselves, and others. 

This is the only way we'll manage 

to create the joy and miracle of the Christmas we want.

Let’s pray for the courage to bring out and share,

All that is good, joyous and miraculous in us!



*This reflection was inspired by this thoughtful piece by Leo Babauta




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